Renato Tizon

Renato Tizon

Senior Associate, Portfolio Analyst

Renato Tizon is AIR Asset Management’s Senior Portfolio Analyst and assists the Portfolio Management Team in analyzing, composing, and maintaining our investment portfolios and products. He also manages proprietary databases while engaging in research for creating fundamental analysis’ through valuation and pricing models for life settlements, structured settlements, and risk analysis. He was a former intern for AIR Asset Management, conducting similar responsibilities while finishing his Master of Science in Analytics degree. Before AIR Asset Management, Mr. Tizon served as a Project Management intern at the University of Washington, where he assisted in materials and programs for university enrollment and existing students on project management skills. Mr. Tizon earned his Bachelor of Science in Informatics in Data Science, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of Washington, and Master of Science in Analytics from the University of Chicago.

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